
My medical team and I tried everything. The usual and the peculiar. Everything from pharmaceutical medications to natural acupuncture. We prayed. We cried. We laughed. We mourned. We did all of this because over a year ago I was hospitalized due to another organ failing my body. We realized that this beast of an illness…


Steps Babies constantly amaze us as we watch them grow. Each ounce and step of development is seen as magical. Their first time rolling over, crawling, standing… these moments are how we all started out. It is such a satisfactory thing. We all spent our first years learning the basic skills that would fuel us…

The Amazing Tori!

Video: trim.832CA299-4B3D-4027-B8C5-AC723CC7323E I believe that coincidences are not an accident. I believe that they have a purpose and reasoning behind why they occur.   These past few days have been rather stressful for my family and I. With my continuous decline in health we have been overloaded with appointments, choices to be made, infusions, lack…


Annually, we have a day to reminisce on what has happened in the past year. We countdown the minutes until the clock ticks and we unleash confetti and shouts of anticipation.  It’s a joyous moment that everyone celebrates.  It brings a rush of chills down your spine and makes the hairs of your arms raise.…