Four rounds of IVIG. Each round spaced four weeks apart. All with hopes of a change for the better. However instead of better, we have a MIRACLE! A true miracle from God.
Last week I had my manometery study. From the moment everyone looked at the testing screen people were in shock. We saw lines. Lines mean movement. Movement means my gut is contracting. This is a complete 180 compared to my previous motility studies. This Monday I had my Gastric Emptying Scan (GES). Normally when I do a GES my meal ends up never fully leaving, or we have to end the study due to it taking too long. At two hours I was informed 65% of my meal left my stomach. Goosebumps. Shock. Chills. My Mom and I then anxiously waited to hear the final result. At three hours, 91% of the meal left my stomach. Sobbing. Crying. Hugging. For the first time in over three and a half years, my GES results were normal.
What does this mean? I can eat again! I am allowed to eat for the first time in over three years. For the first time in two and a half years I am off TPN. For the first time since 2016 I am not declared to be in Intestinal Failure.
After years of trial and error my doctors think they have pinpointed the cause of this ongoing fight: my immune system. After successfully starting the treatment of IVIG, my health and quality of life have drastically changed.
Since late Monday afternoon I have been in a world of bliss. It feels like a dream. Learning how my meal plan must be six meals throughout the day. Hearing fluid requirements. Learning about my new need for 70 grams of protein. Its all overwhelming beyond words… going from being told to not put anything inside of me, to being told to consume as much as I can. Yet I am overjoyed and endlessly grateful.
We have not a clue where our path is heading now… we do not know if I will be in a state of Pseudo Obstruction and Gastroparesis again, if I will have flares, if the IVIG will soon not be enough. However, what we do know, is we are currently living a miracle, and we are going to treasure every moment. I enter this new chapter with a bit of anxiety over the world of eating again, not wanting to mess anything up, but with so much gratitude that I could hug every single person I see.
We do know the path for the upcoming days. Tomorrow we get discharged and the weekend is filled with a bucket list of wants and dreams I have had for three years: Panera, Culver’s cheese curds, Bowl of Heaven, pizza (oh my gosh), fruit, Mexican food, chips and queso, salads, veggies… most of all, regaining myself again. Being able to join my family at the table for meals, chatting about our days and thoughts. Helping create things in the kitchen. Getting back into my passions of cooking and baking. Living, I am excited to truly be living. This weekend is just what we need before I am being admitted again next week for round five of IVIG through Thursday.
With this incredible miracle, the doctors are planning on writing a paper on my case and all that has happened. Hearing this reminded me that I want to help, and pay it forward. I want to display the kindness everyone has given us to those still in the trenches. We do not know when I will be in the trenches again, but we know firsthand what it is like to be trapped in that spot. To those like us, who are too complex, not understood, don’t “fit in a box”, must just be “anxious”, are not believed by doctors: keep fighting. Keep searching. Do not give up. Demand a brilliant future for yourself. Know that within the community of Peace Within the Fight, we believe in you. We are here for you. Keep the faith. Keep believing. Keep fighting for your miracle.
Woo hoot! God is our heavenly father! Amen! I do believe in faith, love and above all hope.
God is Great.! This is wonderful news, so happy for you & your family. Enjoy!
It’s super early, and the house WAS quiet … until I read your post!!! Now, the puppies and I are running around and jumping for joy!!! Yay! Yay! Yay! Love to you all!!!
Haha sweet puppies!!! Thank you so much. We are still jumping for joy!!!
Amen amen and amen!
So thankful you got this miracle!
We serve a big God!
Praying He will bless you with overall good health and may your next round of IVIG treatments benefit you and not put you in any discomfort. If I could I would do high kicks right here right now while we wait for Grady’s eyes to dilate.. lol! Have fun eating!!!
Many many hugs!
SUCH FANTASTIC NEWS….HALLELUJAH!!!!! Enjoy your weekend sweet Isabelle! BIG HUGS! XO
I have goose bumps!!! I am happy beyond words for you and your family! God put you on this earth to make a huge difference in people’s lives…and you surely have. Faith and love to you! XO
Deena Cortright
My eyes are welling with tears. God is good! We’ve prayed for you nightly for years. He heard our prayers. This truly is a miracle from heaven! Savor the moment, literally. I am so very happy for you and your family!
God bless!
Thank you to you and your family for your never ending support! God truly is glorious… I will totally savor ever single morsel.
Isabelle . I can’t begin to say what a wonderful miracle this is. The power of prayer is a beautiful thing!! Stay strong & enjoy all those foods you haven’t been able to eat for so long. God Bless, xo Mary Roelke
Simply amazing and so very exciting! You continue to be such an inspiration ms. Isabelle!!❤️
YAYYYY! So happy to hear this news! God has His plan and I’m so glad that this part of the plan has finally arrived for you!! Taste and enjoy!!! :o)
Prayers for continued “good news” and “good food”!!!!
Ronelle Aime
This is seriously so encouraging and miraculous! I always say miracles happen everyday and you are proof of that ? so happy for you!!!
Hi Isabel, my 19yo daughter suffers from Gastroparesis too (plus a heap of other issue). It was this amazing post that gave us the ammunition to successfully push hard for a trail for IVIG for her. Which she got!!! But now we need more back up to convince the hospital to continue the trial. Three rounds of IVIG has given her some improvement but not as drastic as yours. I firmly believe a few more rounds will show greater impact. Do you have any research or anecdotal evidence that may help us? Feel free to contact me directly.
Hi! Oh my goodness how I pray it can help her somehow. It took me 5 rounds, every 28 days, of high dose IVIG to see drastic improvement. The transplant center, and my doctors, recommended giving it at least 6 months before saying if it did not help. Please feel free to DM me on Facebook- @IsabellesFight. I am sending all of my love and support to you both. Hugs.